Hare Krishna
One has to pay the price for each and every thing one relates and subjected to on the sphere of Maya in life, A man of mean knows how much strains he underwent to acquire a suitable state to sustain with dignity in life, A scholar knows the intellectual toil to which he subjected himself all along, man dies many times in the same life to attain a remarkable achievement but there is no great achievement as that of spirituality man tracks with truth and self,
jai sri Krishna
One has to pay the price for each and every thing one relates and subjected to on the sphere of Maya in life, A man of mean knows how much strains he underwent to acquire a suitable state to sustain with dignity in life, A scholar knows the intellectual toil to which he subjected himself all along, man dies many times in the same life to attain a remarkable achievement but there is no great achievement as that of spirituality man tracks with truth and self,
jai sri Krishna