Hare Krishna
In the vegetation, sprout on earth a sharp distinction has to be made between weed and the crop, one has to be careful while weeding out without hurting the crop, thoughts that spout on the plane of mind may be of both facets, one has to careful unto truth and the false that to keep and discard from the history of mind, Mind of youth is powered with high yield planes, one has to protect the delusive weeds and needs to invest the light of wisdom from the truth of saintly souls in journey,
Jai sri Krishna
In the vegetation, sprout on earth a sharp distinction has to be made between weed and the crop, one has to be careful while weeding out without hurting the crop, thoughts that spout on the plane of mind may be of both facets, one has to careful unto truth and the false that to keep and discard from the history of mind, Mind of youth is powered with high yield planes, one has to protect the delusive weeds and needs to invest the light of wisdom from the truth of saintly souls in journey,
Jai sri Krishna